Monday, November 7, 2011

Station: Sand Prayers

Idea: The Sand Prayer is a method of centering and entering into a more receptive listening posture. One repeatedly prays the Trisagion (Three Holies) while drawing in the sand.

Activity: Find a large, shallow bowl or tray that's interesting (as opposed to a mixing bowl). Fill this with sand and smooth the surface. Place the tray in an out of the way section of the room or sanctuary. You can do this activity on the floor or on a table. Print out a copy of the Trisagion (Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal One, Have Mercy Upon Me). Again, there are so many more interesting options than white copy paper. Add a candle or other visuals to the station. The participant sits quietly and prays the Trisagion over and over to themselves. They then allow God's Spirit to direct what they draw or write in the sand while continuing to pray the Trisagion. It is quite amazing to see what emerges.

Instructions: The prayer in front of you is called the Trisagion or the Three Holies. It is an ancient prayer from the earliest centuries of the church. Begin praying this prayer to yourself over and over. Clear your mind as you pray. Listen for the Holy Spirit. When you are ready, place your hand over the sand. Allow God's Spirit to direct what you draw or write in the sand. Reflect on what God may be trying to say to or through you.

Materials: Large bowl or tray, copy of the Trisagion, table and chair, candle, and table cloth

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Station: Candle Prayers

Idea: Jesus is the light of the world and overcomes all darkness. This is a super simple station that helps people move beyond themselves into thinking about and praying for others.

Activity: Find a darkened spot in your room or sanctuary to set up a small table with a single chair. The center piece of the table is a large candle with plenty of matches and a container for the used matches. Print out the instructions and place on the table (no white copy paper please). The participant lights the candle, prays the prayer on the instruction sheet (Christ your light shall rise in the darkness and your healing shall spring like the dawn) and then prayers for people who struggle with darkness in their lives.

Instruction: Jesus is the light of the world; the light of our lives. The light of this candle represents Christ's light which shatters all darkness. Take a match, light the candle, a pray the following words: Christ your light shall rise in the darkness and your healing shall spring like the dawn. As the candle burns, pray for friends, family members, coworkers, etc. that struggle with darkness in their lives. When you are done praying, let the act of blowing out the candle represent you sending Christ's light to the person or situation you were praying for.

Materials: large candle, matches, bowl for used matches, instruction sheet, table, chair, decorations